Juan F.Granada教授 哥伦比亚大学医学中心
专家介绍:Juan F.Granada教授是纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心心血管研究基金会、Skirball心血管研究中心执行主任及首席科学官。在3月20日的“可吸收血管支架的未来”专场,Granada教授作了“PLLA Amaranth生物可吸收血管支架”专题报告。
生物可吸收支架备受临床医生关注,大家普遍认为其是未来的发展趋势,应用前景广阔,故而受到临床医生及患者的欢迎与偏爱。但是,从目前来看,其长期生物相容性及血管愈合问题都有待进一步验证和解决。其真正要想得到进一步的广泛应用,尚需要开展与裸金属支架的头对头对比研究。若能证实其优效性,则可显著拓展其临床应用。正在开展的ABSORB Ⅳ已经开始患者入组工作,将探讨与裸金属支架相比生物可吸收支架的实际应用效果及临床结局。毫无疑问,我们将积累更多生物可吸收支架的临床实践应用数据。
Bioresorbable scaffoldings are concerned by clinicians. They are generally considered to be the future trend and have broad application prospects. So both their clinical adoptions and patient preference are very high. However, their long-term biocompatibility and vascular healing still need to getfurtherverification and confirmation. To get bioresorbable scaffoldings used more widely, we need to do corresponding head to head studies compared with bare metal stents. If we can confirm their superiority, certainly we can expand their clinical application. The ongoing ABSORB IV will focus on their real capabilities and actually clinical outcomes. It is no doubt that we will accumulate more application data from daily clinical practice.
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