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[CIT2014]权威主编揭秘论文发表秘诀——JACC主编Anthony N. DeMaria教授专访
作者:A.N.DeMaria 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/4/22 15:33:37    加入收藏
 标签:  关键字:JACC 论文 






  <International Circulation>: You presented a session talking about the point of view of submitting a manuscript from the JACC point of view.  There were other lectures you talked about from various journal points of view.  For a Chinese researcher or a group, how can they say or how can they get a feel for what might be the right journal for them to submit to or how do they get a feel for what is this journal’s point of view going to be or how might they receive my manuscript because even if they have done a great trial, maybe if they submit to the wrong journal it might not be accepted.

  Dr. DeMaria: Sure. I think hopefully people who are doing research are also reading the literature and they go hand in hand.  If they’re reading the literature then they should have a pretty good idea of the kinds of material that are published in journals.  To me, the simplest thing is to look at your own references, to look at the papers you have cited.  If you have cited 25 papers in basic science then you don’t submit to a clinical journal.  It is kind of common sense that the material in your references is likely the material that the journal is interested in and so that is probably a good place to send it to.

  <International Circulation>: In your talk you mentioned about some of the things you look for and editors look for.  What is perhaps the biggest mistake or a mistake that you see repeated quite often that see a lot of papers getting rejected for.  Is there anything in particular or 2 that are glaring that you see often?

  Dr. DeMaria: I would say probably the biggest is observational descriptive studies that really do not have a hypothesis and they are looking retrospectively at the data base and there is no control.  Those studies have a hard time getting accepted to the competitive journals.

  <International Circulation>: I would like to move on to imaging.  Cardiac imaging is critical for successful intervention.  What do you think about the role of imaging today in cardiac interventional treatments?  There are many tools available for imaging so perhaps clinically or some of the developments that you see that are particularly useful or some of the new technology that perhaps clinical application versus perhaps just research.

  Dr. DeMaria: Well I think in terms of imaging it is as you say, lots of alternative techniques that are available.  The key is to pick the right technique for the right question.  If the question is, if there is an obstruction in the coronary artery then you want to look at the coronary artery CTA, for instance if the question is whether there is myocardial viability then you probably tending towards a radionuclide technique.  If the question is about left ventricular function, then you will probably do an ECHO or MRI but the idea that it might be so called ‘one stop shopping’ just does not exist.  In fact, some test are better at giving you some kinds of answers than others and you have to know what answer you are really looking for in a test to pick the best technique.

  <International Circulation>: We should not be dazzled by the technology because it is new and no new technology can fit every particular situation.

  Dr. DeMaria: Actually in the United States, it is going the other way.  It is going low tech because of cost.  People are saying why should I do this very expensive technique to get a measurement of ventricular function when I can do something that is cheaper and simpler like an echocardiogram and get information that is clinically equal in value.

  <International Circulation>: One final question, cell therapy, again this is an important new topic.  What about in acute MI when you are performing cell transplantation how do we go about choosing optimal timing for delivery and types of cells.  I know this is a question that can’t be answered in a very short answer.

  Dr. DeMaria: Well actually it can.  The answer is that no one is quite sure.  There are pros and cons.  Shortly after acute MI you have the opportunity to have up-regulation of cytokines and integrins and so the chances that stem cells would hone to the infarct area are increased.  On the other hand you have edema and you have inflammation and the chances that those stem cells might be destroyed by those processes are very high.  So the short answer is no one is really quite sure at the moment what is the best timing for cell therapy or even in fact what is the best way to do it.  At the moment everybody is leaning towards directive towards myocardial injections but that is time consuming and of course a bit more complex than just doing a coronary injection.  Time will tell.  There is lots to be learned and more research is needed.



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